BG*Rozmar Breeder
“Rozmar” Breeder Gabrovo owned by Rosemary Kazasova is a member of CFe “Bastet” Gabrovo and NFFe Sofia, and is also registered in FIFe. Cats of the Manx breed (Cats without Tails), Persian, Exotic, and Occic are bred. Cats in the breed have a FIFe pedigree. Cats live freely in excellent home environment. Different breeds live...
BG*Chickonetti Breeder
The kennel temporarily does not work! Chickonetti breeder Sofia owned by Diana Pavlova is a member of CFe “Bastet” Gabrovo and NFFe Sofia, and is also registered in FIFe. Persian and Exotic cats are bred. The cats have a FIFe pedigree. All animals receive a lot of attention, caresses, high-quality foods, and are under constant […]